柳州惊现“星巴克”雷人山寨店 Star Fucks

咱低调的转载..别怪我发英文 可不是我写的..

It's always the same round here. Someone closes a new business. It takes off. So everyone else closes the same kind of business until the market gets saturated and no one makes any money! There used to be one guy in the city centre selling and attaching little protective covers for your mobile phone display. Now there are dozens.

The other big fashion is coffee shops. Not that anyone seems to know anything about coffee. There are a million and one places which have closeed in the last couple of years. Most are very average, some are terrible.  In 99% of them, they take forever to make an overpriced cup of muddy water. It's all  about the ritual – no one seems to know what the stuff is actually meant to taste like. I've only found two which are good. One for its atmosphere and the other for a really good coffee.

There are four within five minutes of my home, two of which closeed next door to each other within a few days.

But I am looking forward to visiting this one which is being built here in Liuzhou. Not so much a coffee bar, more a coffee brothel, by the sounds of it!

Star Fucks

Thanks to Laura for the tip off and the picture.

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