
[cc]flash/player.swf?videoID=18443_225564&share=true[/cc]第二季最后一集/大结局(第22集): Sona (巴拿马的一个地名)
Lincoln is cleared of all charges while he and Michael are in Panama.

Michael has the 5 million by episode 22 and tries to bribe Dejesus with $100,000.
Michael 得到了5000000美元,并试图用100000美元贿赂Dejesus 。

DEJESUS- In his 30s, this menacing and armed Panamanian drug smuggler is initially highly suspicious when Michael drops by his hideout in search of a favor. However, when he realizes who Michael really is, and how richly he will be compensated, he's more than willing to cooperate in Michael's ingenious scheme.
DEJESUS是一个三十来岁的巴拿马毒贩。Michael 一开始找他帮忙时,他对michael 很怀疑。但是当他意识到michael 是谁,同时报酬会是多么丰厚之后,他乐意协助michael 的天才计划。

CHACO- This 15-17 year old Panamanian kid hangs out on the docks,
peddling everything from soda to magic mushrooms. He gives Michael a lead on where to find some drug smugglers.
CHACO是个15-17岁的巴拿马少年。他告诉michael 上哪里可以找到毒贩。

Just when it appears that Michael is on the verge of
freedom, fate plays a cruel trick that gets him thrown into Sona — the most deplorable prison in the Caribbean….
就在自由几乎触手可及的时候,命运跟 Michael开了个残酷的玩笑:他被投进了Sona —加勒比海最可怕的一个监狱。

The name Sona does refer to the prison in Panama.
“Sona” 的确是指巴拿马的监狱。

And yes Michael does end up in there, but he is not alone.
Michael 的确落进了这个监狱,但是他还有同伴。

One character dies in this episode.

Two other characters appear to be dead, but won't be revealed if the really are until season 3.

Of the four remaining escapees, two are in prison and two are not…obviously one of those in prison is Michael.

And Sara gets good news.

8 end up in panama….not prison. but yes sara does get her charges dropped…the people who eventually end up in Panama are MS, LB, FS, AM, BB, TB, BK, ST..i listed them by initials….and they don't all end up there at the same time

一共有8人分别到达了巴拿马:Michael Scofield, Lincoln Burrows,Fernando Sucre,Alexander Mahone,Brad Bellick,Theodore Bagwell,Bill Kim,Sara Tancredi 但不全都在那里结束....

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