有时候我们会留下一个链接希望被点击,我们是非常的想知道他们到底看过没有或者看了多少次,但是我们又不愿意或者不方便问他们是否点过,这种情况有时候很让我们烦恼,那 traceurl就是一个链接追踪工具,输入一个url后会得到一个转换后的url,这个url指向原url,因此也可以当作网址缩短工具使用。将转换后的url公开到网上,然后就可以在traceurl后台看到该url的点击详细情况了,包括时间,IP及对应地理位置等等,不过对点入来源没有记录,但在这个系统中似乎不占主要,这个工具总的说来虽然不大常用但有时候却非常有用。
Did you ever wonder whether your friend ever visit the URL you send them? or do you ask yourself if anybody
ever clicks on those links you post to news sites and forums? If so you should create a traceable URL at traceurl.com.
The accesses to this traceable URL can be observed by you. That is you can see at what time and from where your
URL is accessed.
ever clicks on those links you post to news sites and forums? If so you should create a traceable URL at traceurl.com.
The accesses to this traceable URL can be observed by you. That is you can see at what time and from where your
URL is accessed.